Doing what U love...What a concept!

How has your career been going so far?  I hope your prospects are hotter than NYC in August but less humid.  For a shy kid from the frozen tundra it's been honestly amazing.  My love affair with voice-over grew out of fascination with characters and cartoon voices from my earliest memories.   But I've also been given the opportunity of being recognized by my peers & by fans.  I was inducted into the South Dakota Rock 'N Roll Hall Of Fame.  In addition to pro acting/performance gigs, I've hosted awesome voice-over classes and seminars and appeared at Comic Con.   Recently, thanks to Mike White’s video genius and awesome cameos from some talented friends, we posted Bad Recession Blues by Media Monster and, for the holidays, The Trashpicker's Christmas Wish on YouTube.
My mentors include, first and foremost, the legendary Daws Butler, but also the amazing Joan Gerber, improv master Dee Marcus, VO guru Jack Angel, and accent/comedy coach, Robert Easton.  You can IMDB me and discover that I'm a pretty lucky guy.  I've been an LA voice since the invention of surf (not the sport, the actual "surf").  Recently I became semi bi-coastal adding a Rocky Mt voice cave while stilling keeping my LA biz digs.
Now I'm delighted to announce with WWF enthusiasm, "weeee're baaaaack!"!  We'll be scheduling upcoming Class Act VO Wkshops in spring of next year.  We're also working on interactive personal appearances in new venues and media as well.  So don't "fuggedaboutit", pass "da woid" to all interested parties, and we'll all party down with world class Voiceplay again in the new year.  Any referrals, questions, answers, problems, or rash decisions...get some ointment...or go to the web site (, get connected on Linked-In,  and/or e-contact me ASAP or even sooner at
I'd like to thank the academy for the recommendation.  Ahh, networking!  ...I Love it!  So break a lip.  let's have a sweet spring season, do some great biz, and stay hopefully, truly, not too hot to handle or ice cold, but cooool!

1 comment:

  1. So far so good. I hope we will end up successful this year.
